Marketing Material for Cookie Company

The task for this project was to create and expand marketing material matching the few items already in use.

Over the years the following promo material has been created:

  • cookie label design variations in Adobe Illustrator
  • 3d product images of all cookies wrapped, in Adobe Photoshop
  • business card design for multiple employees in Adobe Indesign
  • creating a 2-sided sell sheet for promotion in Adobe Indesign
  • banner for website in Adobe Photoshop

Category    Graphic Design Portfolio
Graphic Designer    Petra Richli
Contact me   @

marketing material for nutritional cookie
petrarichli logo, graphic designer for hire offers a wide range of Graphic Design Services

Good design makes you look good.
It’s that simple.


Brochures, business cards, posters, flyers, postcards, menus, price lists, sell sheets, labels, banners, signs, etc.

Logo Development

Logo package includes several drafts and rounds of fine tuning. Final delivery is a package with multiple formats for print and web.

Photoshop & Illustrator

Anything you need. Background removal, adding shadow, retouching, color corrections, vectorizing/redraws of existing logos and images, icon creation, .svgs, cutting paths, special prints, etc.


Beginner to expert, private lessons in person or teamviewer for Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign and graphic design related topics.