Humanitarian Aid Organization Website
A colorful redesign for a Humanitarian Aid Organization Website, based in Switzerland.
It was all hands on deck with this client!
For the Humanitarian Aid Organization Website, we designed the layout and the provided the structure with first revision of text, placeholder texts and images. After some screen sharing instructions, the client made many of the text revisions and image orders in albums on their own. The style of the website developed over the length of the project with great client input.
The website features:
- multiple options for easy single or monthly donations
- many causes to support
- custom coded automated legal tax receipt system.
- detailed project overviews for countries and causes with many images and interactive maps
- color theme with 4 main colors for general, causes, child sponsorships and tree sponsorships
Category Webdesign Portfolio
Graphic Designer Petra Richli
Developer Beat Richli
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